Monday, November 15, 2010

Mormon Channel

I cannot believe how many times I say, "I just heard this talk, or that song, or that person speak on my Mormon Channel." Yes, I call it 'MY' Mormon Channel, although of course, it is not. But I find it incredible how much the programming that I hear...I needed to hear. Not only for learning, but it has uplifted me, given me insight, and helped me feel more patience and compassion for my children, and brought events and talks to my remembrance. It reminds me who I am, and helps me keep things in perspective. I also like the fact that I am choosing well what goes in my head. Remember, thoughts become words, become actions. So today, I am thankful for the Mormon Channel.

I have an iphone- and they have an AP (application) that I downloaded on my phone so all I have to do is press this:

...and it pops me to a screen that asks me if I want to listen to Conference, Magazines, or the Scriptures, listen to a live broadcast, or watch a Video of several different things. BUT- You don't need an iphone to listen to Mormon Channel. You can just go to to listen live.

I just really enjoy being able to sit at the computer while I am working, or at my sewing machine, and listen to worthwhile things and not a bunch of garbage. I love Christmas music for the same reason.

Lately on Mormon Channel, I have learned about the influence of Native Americans on art in the Four Corners Area, to current Conference addresses, talks by Prophets and Apostles of the Lord, some who passed on long ago and it's a real treat to get to hear their voices again and recall their messages, and to check myself and see how I am fairing as far as heeding their admonitions. I also enjoy the CES Fireside addresses, and BYU Devotionals that I wouldn't normally get to hear.  It's awesome.

I am grateful for Mormon Channel.


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